Month: May 2024

Action Stations

Kia Ora

For Action Stations  I have been learning Dance

The first week we learned a hip hop dance to  7 rings by Ariana Grande. I found this difficult remembering the steps

I  enjoyed it because I like learning new steps.

The second dance we learned was a folk dance called Heel and Toe Polka. What I found difficult was keeping in time and my legs were getting sore

What I enjoyed was being able to have a break and being able to carry on dancing when I was ready.

From Dante


First I got on the bus and went to Te Aratai Technology Centre.  This term I am cooking.

Today we made pizzas. We used burger buns for the base. First we put tomato sauce on it and then I grated the cheese

I cut the mushroom and capsicum into pieces. I had salami and ham too. When everything was cut up I put it on the pizza bases. Next Bella May put the pizzas in the oven. It was in the oven for 10 minutes.

My job was drying the dishes. And then we had our pizzas

Action Stations… Dance

Today I went to dance. We learnt a hip hop dance. We watched a video. There was a man showing us the dance moves.

I was copying the dance moves I followed the instructions I found it easy but I got tired

At the end the next one was called. Just Dance 2021 I remembered this dance when we did it in my class.

I enjoyed it  because it’s cool to dance.

From Dante